Take Positive Action Instead Of Giving Into Negative Feelings

Photo Credit: Bruno Nascimento

Increasing scientific evidence supports what we have known since biblical times. As a coach and executive, I have observed this in the workplace.

Taking Positive Action regardless of how you feel in the moment produces excellent results in life. 

The scientific evidence sometimes takes a while to catch up with what we know to be true.     

There are days when you may lack motivation to pursue your goals, even if you have a strong sense of purpose. It's essential to focus on taking the right actions, regardless of how you feel.                            

The key word is "action" rather than giving in to negative feelings when going after an important goal. Focus on the right actions instead of emotions when you are unmotivated.  Have the faith to do the right things you know are best regardless of your feelings.

Let's look at an example of what I am talking about.                       

If I had only done what I felt like doing last year, I would have run once or twice a week instead of about 300 times in 2023.

Another example: I write almost daily in one form to another to help others. If I wrote only when I felt like writing, I would write once a week or about four times a month instead of 20 or more days a month.

Like everyone else, I have areas where I could be more consistent and improve results. I continue to work on those areas with compassion (not beating myself up) and a sense of self-discipline to get off the couch because I know I can do much better.

You need to give yourself a break for not being perfect while maintaining an attitude of "I am still going to get better" by choosing to do the right action rather than give in to the wrong feelings or mood. Once you take the right action, usually good feelings follow.

What a life lesson this is for all of us. I've seen this repeatedly in my coaching practice when people learn to take that first step out the door regardless of feelings (unless you are sick, injured, etc.). Your mood changes for good, saying, "I'm glad I got that workout today."

You get the idea. Positive actions produce sound and consistently good results regardless of how you feel emotionally or mood daily. This idea is nothing new; it's been around for thousands of years in one form or another.

However, today’s research validates countering negative feelings by taking positive action. Common sense tells us the same thing. 

Positive action is more effective than just opposing negative emotions with positive thinking.

Positive thinking is good in many ways. However, the value of positive thinking is not as great unless it translates into positive action, regardless of how you feel at the time.

Consider taking positive action today instead of succumbing to negative emotions and thoughts.

As the Nike slogan says, just do it; don't overthink what you know you should do right now for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

The key to success is self-discipline to do what's best for you, regardless of your feelings.

Sometimes, the most challenging part of doing something we know is good for us is taking that first step out the door. You are good once you motivate yourself to take that first step.

Take that first step out the door and watch your mood change for the better😊


Coach Weber

Philippians 4:13

Matthew 5:45-49  essentially says to do good to all, even when they do not reciprocate. Practicing love in action is vital even when you don't feel like it. Doing good is the fuel of champions.

Photo Credit: Iwona Castiello d'Antonio