Thoughts On Humility


In this post, I look at the importance of humility in athletics, business, and life. 

Humility is one of those old-fashioned virtues.

Like the word steadfastness I discussed recently, humility has lost some meaning and significance in our society.

Going back to the 1913 Webster dictionary, the definition of humility, in part, is freedom from pride and arrogance, a modest estimate of one's worth, and a knowledge of one's imperfections.

In other words, no one has it all together and knows it all.

Humility lives in the land of being other-centered by listening to the input of healthy and qualified individuals on various topics.

We all have blind spots; humility permits us to unlock the door to see where we can improve or implement ideas that may be better than our own.

Humility says we don't have all the answers yet, regardless of the current chapter of life, young or old.

Pride is the opposite of humility. When pride surfaces, arrogance, and stubbornness follow—we know it all, pride says.

Pride is like when the pupil of the eye is missing; there is no light to see.                                                                              

How can you see all the options available when pride and arrogance blind you?

Humility says to look for answers in the best possible places, even if that place is not our own.

Sometimes, finding a trustworthy, accurate source takes time and research. Patience lives in the word humility.

Humility does not deny human achievement. Humility places achievement in its proper place, the foundation and source of all achievement. Humility acknowledges that all achievement comes from its ultimate source, God, not the person.

Humility teaches us to let go of self, to know we are one voice in the journey, to hear the voice of others when appropriate, and ultimately give credit to God for His blessings when they come into our lives.

Humility includes the voice and love of others in our journey.

If you have trouble thinking about and seeing what humility looks like, you have a clearer picture by reflecting on the image of Christ's birth. Think and reflect on how Christ came into the world, born in a manger and a stable when He could have been born in the best place imaginable.

Humility changes us, transforming us in good ways and the world around us for the better forever.

I was trained in several informal and formal process improvement methods early in my career.

Improving anything requires checking your ego at the door because you are attempting to change the status quo, the way things are done now, with new and better ways of doing things. Anytime we try to change something, conflict surfaces. Change is difficult, even good change, for most people.

All process improvement methods, informal and formal, have one thing in common—finding a better way.

And there is almost always a better way.

Enter humility.

Some of the most incredible breakthroughs in life in business, non-profits, sports, personal relationships, and more happen when humble hearts are alive and beating and the voices of others are heard.

Humbleness is what a great team is all about—on the field, at home, or in the workplace.





The Team metaphor is accurate. Humble hearts who check their egos at the door reside in the world's greatest teams.

The voice and act of humility live in healthy teams and individuals who have learned to listen for the greater good, implementing ideas that improve the world.


Coach Weber

Philippians 4:13


Image Credit: Kraken Images Unsplash