Handing The Baton Off Well To The Next Generation


                    Ensure A Smooth Handoff To The Next Generation

                                                               Image credit: Pixabay

Tradition Gives And Sustains Life In Any Organization

Establishing a positive tradition of excellence is crucial for the success and longevity of a program, institution, or organization. 

Achieving excellence and building positive traditions often takes time, patience, and a lot of effort. It requires persistence, dedication, going above and beyond, and a strong commitment to serving others for a higher purpose.

Handoffs from one person or a group to the next person or group can make or break a currently successful program or an entire organization in any industry or organization.

The transfer of tradition can be likened to a relay race in the Olympic Games. A minor error in passing on the baton to the next runner can result in the baton being dropped after years of hard work put into creating a world-class team.

Tradition Matters

Paying attention to how groups pass the baton determines an organization or goal's success or failure.

Each group or team should uphold meaningful traditions and successes for future generations to enjoy.

The failure to pass on life-sustaining customs and traditions to the next generation, be it a team of workers, athletes, students, or any other organization, is a disservice to their successors.

Mastering the art of creating significant traditions is a quality of successful individuals and teams. However, it is equally essential to be purposeful about transferring those traditions to the next group or generation when the time comes.

The person or group of people who intentionally and selflessly pass the baton to the next team is a world record holder in my book for keeping positive traditions alive.

Sometimes, circumstances outside our control can make passing on positive experiences to the next generation difficult. However, we should always strive to do our best to find ways to help the next generation not only survive but thrive.

Keeping Tradition Alive

I have been a part of organizations where individuals have worked tirelessly to establish remarkable legacies for future generations or groups.                                                                           

Throughout my experience, I have witnessed that outstanding traditions either remain intact or fade away based on the willingness or unwillingness of successors to take up the mantle and carry it forward.

The successful handoff from one team to another requires individuals who think beyond their interests and work tirelessly to preserve meaningful traditions for future generations to enjoy and thrive. Educating new teams on the significance and importance of taking up the positive tradition baton is crucial. 

For successful traditions to continue and improve, specific responsibilities are assigned to current team leaders to pass on to future team members. A tradition of excellence doesn't happen on its own.

Here are some ways to preserve successful programs and traditions for future generations. While there are many other ways to keep traditions alive, these are good starting points.

1. To ensure the success of your programs, it's essential to assign team leaders, or what some call ambassadors, who are highly committed to your cause to mentor new leaders. The selected mentors and successors should be passionate about your programs and act as ambassadors to spread awareness.

When selecting mentors, finding people with a strong commitment level, rated at least nine out of ten, is crucial. If the potential mentor is easily influenced by peer pressure, it would be best to look for a better representative for your program.

It is possible that some potential mentors lack the necessary character and loyalty to stand up to others when things get tough, regardless of how much your programs have positively transformed lives in your community. Therefore, it is crucial to find and teach new mentors the significance of preserving traditions for future generations. Otherwise, the traditions will disappear. Your strongest leaders will ultimately have the final say in whether or not the traditions are kept alive.

The person you pick to run the final anchor leg for your traditions, is the person you have the most confidence to carry your team to victory in the future.

You want your strongest leader on the anchor leg to have the best chance possible of crossing the finish line first after others have ran hard and given their all on their leg of keeping the tradition alive journey. Your faith in the anchor leg’s ability to get the  job done is mission critical to handing off to the next generation well.

The final baton is carried by the anchor leg to victory, the highest honor in your program's tradition journey. Choose your final anchor leg wisely, with discernment, and objective criteria.

Ensure victory for generations to come by placing your strongest leader on the final anchor leg of keeping your traditions alive journey.

2. Recruit volunteers every year in your areas of need. In the case of running programs, parents come and go in a program every year as their kids graduate. Recruit new volunteers before the beginning of every season to replace those leaving at the year's end. Parents in high school programs, especially, are the lifeblood of a successful program. I've been blessed with great parents over the years.

3. You should record your program's achievements and share success stories regularly. By showing the accomplishments of previous program participants, you can inspire others and provide a clear vision of what can be achieved. Highlighting past successes can help individuals see and believe that achieving their goals is possible. Keeping a documented history of your program is one of the most important things you can do to preserve its legacy.                                                                                       

Keeping the intent of your traditions alive is like the chain of custody in legal and religious matters.  The baton of the intent of your traditions requires a smooth hand-off without dropping the baton.

4. It is essential to select and train someone to replace you in your career well in advance before you plan to leave. Even if you intend to continue working for many years, finding a suitable person to take over your leadership role is crucial. Succession planning is essential for preserving the traditions and successes of the past.

Identifying dedicated and enthusiastic individuals in any field can be a challenging task. However, finding and preparing successors to take over your position is crucial as this is essential for the continuity and preservation of a program. Furthermore, student leaders are responsible for serving as mentors and promoting the development of their replacements.

Passing positive traditions to the next generation is an important responsibility that requires a champion's mindset.

Caring about what happens after you leave a program is an act of love. To preserve and improve a program, it is crucial to find committed successors passionate about maintaining its quality so that others can continue to benefit from it.                               

Repay the kindness you have received by doing the same for others, including ensuring that the baton is passed well from group to group and from generation to generation.


Coach Weber

Philippians 4:13


A smooth handoff is required between each team, group, or generation to keep traditions alive. Be intentional about keeping traditions alive and well each year. I will discuss additional ways to keep traditions alive in future posts that apply to the field or the boardroom.